Impressing a woman is not an easy task, especially the modern ladies. They consider every aspect in a man’s personality. Gone are the days when a sense of humor, communication and intellect were the only things that were noticed in women. These days fashion and personal style quotient are equally important. Listed below are the few things that women notices in men’s style the most. Gear yourself up with it and leave a lasting impression.
The color selection
The ladies are very particular about the color selection when it comes to dress selection. Not only this, they expect the same from you. So, if you are looking forward to leaving a last impression on any women, then, be very particular about the shades of shirts and trouser you choose. While ladies prefer to match the color of the different layers with each other, you should stick to the contrasting colors. This is one of the most important aspect, not only for impressing you lady love, but even when you have a meeting or interview with a woman. This small factor can make or break the very first impression.
Dressing according to the occasion
The one thing that really turns them off is when their is man is not dressed according to the event. This is the reason why it is recommended to go formal for the date nights. And this is a practical suggestion as getting ready according to the event is the very first style hack that every one should follow. Do not go in your cargo pants and tank tops for formal occasions.

The footwear is first thing that a woman notices in any person. Hence, make sure that you are wearing a neat and well-polished pair of footwear in front of the woman. No stinky and stained socks is allowed. Along with this, the shoes should complement your attire.

How you pull off the look
Just wearing the right and the most stylish attire is not enough. You need to pull off the look appropriately. The things that you pair with the attire right from the watch to the belt everything matters. She may point even the slightest mismatch of the accessories. The ensemble with the formal attire should be subtle while with the casual look you can try the sporty ones.
The way you groom
Self-grooming is one of the most important aspects of style and women are very particular about it. The very first thing that is noticed when it comes grooming is the beards. The unkempt stubble is not acceptable at all. Either go for clean shave or trim your beards properly. The face should be properly and attire should be clean as well as well-ironed. Gel you hair properly and set them properly. Avoid the grooming mistakes and impress her to the fullest.
Fragrance that you’re using
The cologne that you are using can be the deciding factor. Leave aside the ladies, no one would prefer to stay beside a man with bad odor. However, some men use very strong fragrance in order to hide their odor. The perfume should be refreshing and attractive. Avoid using very strong ones. Use antiperspirant and deodorizer to reduce sweat retention. While the cologne should smell good and last long.

The underneath article
This may be the last thing, but matters a lot for your girl. There are some underwear habits of men that annoy women the most. Wearing the same skivvy for more than ones, sticking to the old style of men’s underwear and going commando are some of them. Wash your undies after every use, avoid wearing sweaty undergarments. Fashion underwear for men can intrigue the ladies. On the special evenings, you can try the sexy cuts like men’s bikinis, thongs and others.
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